samedi 27 mars 2010

The carnival of Quebec.

  • Carnival of Quebec. (Party of snow)

ð Third place about carnival of world.

Ø Background: The carnival of Quebec begins with colonization by French. This population used to meet family and friend to do party before privation about the Lent. This celebration was already called carnival and it was embedded in habit.

It’s in 1894 that the first large winter Carnival in Quebec City had been created; it improved people’s feeling and spirit, because people were tired.

Ø Date: From 28 January to February 13. (during 17 days)

Ø Place: Canada.

Ø Customs: A lot of activities and animations. Many people go to the palace of ice which is built with bloc of ice.

The mayor’s Quebec gives the key of city at the man’s carnival; so the man can create festive atmosphere in city.

The day, this party present music, dance and other event like snow sculpture, Races of dogs of sledges, races of toboggan or demonstrations of extreme ski. Then, in night people go to fancy-dress ball.

Ø Symbols and signs:

§ The man: He is the mascot of this carnival.

§ The Queen: She follows the man during the carnival and she participates to the human and social activities. It’s at the opening that the queen is elected with her duchess.

§ The palace: It’s the Snowman’s house.

§ The belt: it’s a clothing symbol for the snowman and some participants.

§ Some songs.

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